Skin cancer is a malignant proliferation of skin cells (luculus). One differentiates between the black skin cancer (malignant melanoma) and the white skin cancer (non-melanoma). The less frequent black skin cancer is one of the most dangerous tumours in mankind. Its danger comes form its metastases that spread very quickly to other vital parts of the body. The more frequent white skin cancer stands out less clearly from the skin and is only life-threatening in exceptional cases.
The number of people suffering from skin cancer has increased steadily in recent decades. The trend is rising, because skin cancer is often a consequence of excessive UV irradiation, to which light-skinned Europeans have been exposed more intensively since the 1970s, during holidays, leisure time and through lighter clothing, which was and still is part of the life-style.
The probability of developing skin cancer increases with age, but it also occurs in children and young people.
By means of a timely and thorough preventive examination, the preliminary stages of the cancer (pre-cancer) can already be identified in our dermatological practice and its treatment can be initiated.
For this purpose, we have one of the most modern technologies for early detection of skin cancer worldwide using not only digital skin imaging systems, but also confocal laser microscopy. This early diagnosis is important because skin cancer, including melanoma, can be treated well at an early stage. But this only works if the dermatologist has the necessary experience and equipment. Save deteaction of skin cancer or precancer is not possible with the simple skin screening offered by the statutory health insurance, which is only carried out by means of a gaze check. This makes it a very superficial "examination". Therefore, it is not carried out in our practice. In our opinion, this method is not safe enough to exclude cancer. We have more to offer.