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Hair loss

Everyone loose hair, each day. But if more hair gets lost than grows back every day, bald spots on the head will develop. Often circular, but also diffuse in various places. Hair loss can have many different causes. Therefore, we treat hair loss individually.

Hair loss can have various triggers, such as stress, hormonal disorders, genetic predisposition, medication but also chronic diseases and infections or simply a lack of nutrients. For the investigation of the causes, we supplement laboratory tests with the trichoscan. Its digital analysis of hair root growth allows a very reliable diagnosis and follow-up. With targeted therapy, hair loss can be stopped and often hair growth can be stimulated again.

Hair loss

Appointments for Hair Loss Consultation

Please arrange your medical appointment with one of our dermatologists here.

allergy dermatology


We are member of the following medical societies to stay up to date with the latest scientific findings and research results in the field of dermatology, oncology and aesthetic medicine.

German dermatological society

German Dermatological Society

Professional association of German dermatologists

Professional Association of German Dermatologists

German Cancer Society

German Cancer Society

German Allerologists Association

German Allerologists Association

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lasermedizin

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lasermedizin

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Medizin und Fortbildung

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Medizin und Fortbildung


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