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Allergies are hypersensitive reactions to substances which are usually harmless to the body and which can lead to unpleasant allergic reactions such as itchy skin rashes.

With an allergy, the body reacts to an actually harmless substance (allergen), such as pollen, flour or metal, with an overreaction. The body’s defense system produces antibodies that lead to allergic reactions over time. This can be sneezing, tears, or  itching/swelling of the mouth and throat, or reddened skin. These symptoms are often referred to as hay fever, although not always caused by a pollen allergy. As long as it remains so, an allergy is above all only annoying and can temporarily reduce physical and mental performance. In some, very rare cases, the allergic reaction can be so severe that a life-threatening allergic shock (anaphylaxis) is triggered.

Allergy tests (skin prick tests and blood tests) can be used to find the cause of the allergy and initiate therapy. Often one will try to avoid the trigger, but if this is not possible in everyday life, medication or a hyposensitization (desensitization) is recommended, which has a similar effect as an immunization with a vaccination. According to studies, allergies have increased significantly in recent decades.


Appointments for allergy consultation

Please make your appointment for your allergy test or consultation here in our dermatology practice, we are dermatologists and allergists.

allergy test


We are member of the following medical societies to stay up to date with the latest scientific findings and research results in the field of dermatology, oncology and aesthetic medicine.

German dermatological society

German Dermatological Society

Professional association of German dermatologists

Professional Association of German Dermatologists

German Cancer Society

German Cancer Society

German Allerologists Association

German Allerologists Association

German Society for Aesthetic Medicine and Filler Therapy
European Society for Pediatric Dermatology

European Society for Pediatric Dermatology

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