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Bleichstraße 5 ⋅ 61476 Kronberg im Taunus ⋅ Telefon: 06173 3250701

Outpatient Surgery – Day Surgery

Outpatient operations are carried out to remove suspicious or malignant skin changes, such as tumors or their precursors. Day surgery is executed safely, aesthetically and permanently in the operating room of our practice.

In many cases time is a decisive factor in protecting the health of our patients.Especially in case of skin cancer. For this reason, our practice has its own modern equipped operating theatre. Here small, medium and even larger operations on the skin can be performed quickly and without time-consuming referrals to distant clinics.

Surgeries are only performed if they are necessary for the patient's health and other treatment options have been exhausted. We perform them under local anesthesia. After the operation you can go home the same day. All the tissue samples taken are examined in a certified specialist laboratory in order to offer our patients the highest level of safety.

Day Surgery

Appointments for day surgery

Please arrange your medical appointment with one of our dermatologists here.

allergy test


We are member of the following medical societies to stay up to date with the latest scientific findings and research results in the field of dermatology, oncology and aesthetic medicine.

German dermatological society

German Dermatological Society

Professional association of German dermatologists

Professional Association of German Dermatologists

German Cancer Society

German Cancer Society

German Allerologists Association

German Allerologists Association

German Society for Aesthetic Medicine and Filler Therapy
European Society for Pediatric Dermatology

European Society for Pediatric Dermatology

copyright © 2024 Hautarztpraxis, Dr. med. Andrea Zorn, Bleichstraße 5, 61476 Kronberg im Taunus

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